Going Beyond
Dwaalboom Road Project
Our Dwaalboom plant’s key labour sending area is Holfontein, situated in the North West. This area is extremely rural, with only a dirt road from the plant through Holfontein to Northam.
To assist both the community in which we operate and to improve access to and from Dwaalboom, PPC entered into a public-private partnership agreement with the Roads Agency of Limpopo (RAL) and Department of Public Works North West for the construction of two new sections of road – the first new tar road between Dwaalboom and Northam and the second an upgrade of the road from Northam to Koedoeskop.
While a lead contractor was appointed, part of the agreement included drawing labour from the community living adjacent to the road. Pleasingly, despite challenges with different role players, the section between Dwaalboom and Northam was completed in 2018, with the second stage to be completed during the 2019 calendar year.

Project Cost
R60 m
Project start date:
April 2017